• Why create a guide?

    So why should you create a guide? Well if that feel good factor of giving back to the community is not enough there are many other great reasons why you need to create a guide.

    1. Google loves FreePhotoGuides – submitting comprehensive and engaging articles with links back to your site will generate awesome link juice (it’s a real term honest) increasing your visibility in Google. This in turn will bring paying customers to your site. Don’t forget to link to FreePhotoGuides.com preferably in a 300 + word blog post for extra reciprocal link juice 🙂 Why not tell your fan base about your guide and where to find it?

    2. Be an area expert – why not be the go to guy or gall for an special photographic location? This in turn will drive traffic to your site.

    3. Show off your photos – FreePhotoGuides generates a lot of traffic, why not show off some of your work?

    4. Get your name out there – as photographers we tend to work alone or in small groups. Submit an article and get your name known, this is a great way to network.

    5. Because it feels right 🙂 – we are a community, be part of it.

  • How does FreePhotoGuides stay free?

    FreePhotoGuides is support through advertising. As some of you may be aware FreePhotoGuides fell into a state of disrepair when Google ended its knowledge sharing platform ‘Knol’. Lee Duguid decided to take this project on and bring it back to life with the help of his photography buddy ShutterTramp. Together they salvaged as many guides as possible and now host the site at their own expense. This with the support of our sponsors allows FreePhotoGuides to grow.

  • What is FreePhotoGuides?

    FreePhotoGuides is a photographic community that collectively publish photography location guides around the world.

Found our guides useful? Return the favour and submit one of your own.